Skocic fined $80,000 for breach of contract with Sanat Naft.

The problems associated with Dragan Skocic’s presence in Team Melli are not over yet, and the Abadani Club, Sanat Naft are still insisting on their rights and accusing the Croat coach of deception and breach of contract.

Skocic, canceled his contract with Sanat Naft Club under the pretext of returning to his home country for personal reasons, but shortly afterward he agreed with the Iranian Football Federation FFIRI to lead the national team as head coach. Such move resulted in strong reactions and objection by Sanat Naft Abadan who accused the Croat of disguising them and being dishonest and hence complained about the coach to the federation.

After some time from Sanat Naft lodging the complaint with the FFIRI disciplinary committee, it seems that a verdict has been reached and it is ready to be notified to the concerned parties. The ruling forces the head coach of the Iranian national team to pay about $ 80,000 in compensation to Sanat Naft Abadan Club.

It remains to be seen how the football federation will react to this ruling.