Team Melli official song receives mix reviews


The official song of Team Melli for the World Cup has been released to a mix review by critics. The song by Iranian artist Ehsan Khoajah Amiri was officially approved by the authorities and sponsored by the Football federation (FFIRI)

Ali Kaffashian was asked on Thursday about his own personal opinion , the FFIRI President said “There is nothing wrong with it , it is a good song.”

The authorities in Iran has eased much restrictions on artists and Pop music production in the country , much of it was deemed to be taboo after the revolution. Khowajah Amiri is one of many artists who have made their name in Iran with the approval of the authorities. One artist, and for the first time in Iran , has sold more than one million official CDs recently in a country where bootleg or copy CD’s is rife.


Download Team Melli Song By Ehsan Khoajah Amiri


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