Queiroz threatens to walk off!

Carlos Queiroz, once again, has warned that the conditions under which he is working, is neither acceptable nor rational to continue. In essence he repeated his threat to leave his job.

Ali Kaffashian, the head of FFIRI was quoted a few days back that a renewed negotiation will be started with Queiroz after the conclusion of the Asian Cup to discuss the Portuguese future with the team. Kaffashian has previously announced that the continuation of Queiroz was conditional of the results obtained in the Asian Cup.

On return from Australia, and when confronted by the press about his future , Carlos Queiroz categorically denied that there was any pre-conditions to his contract based on the results of Asian Cup. He also said that he was not aware of what Kaffashian has said to the press! The Portuguese head coach of Team Melli denied any knowledge of bargaining to reduce his remuneration package which was widely circulated in the press. The conflicting statement between Kaffashian and Queiroz indicates that one of them is not telling the truth.

Afshin & Queiroz

“With all due respects to the Iranian football fans , and despite the fact that I had the most enjoyable and satisfactory time working with Team Melli , I must affirm that under the present conditions and circumstances with the limited resources available at our disposal , it will not be possible for me to continue working with the Football Federation.” Queiroz announced today after a meeting with Ali Kaffashian.

“The lack of resources and behind the scenes event makes it impossible for me to answer the aspirations of the loyal Iranian fans who exhibited confidence in me and the team, hence I cannot continue to operate under such conditions. I went to the federation HQ to give Kaffashian the option to mutually terminate this contract in the best possible mean. I do not want to be the reason behind Team Melli failure like some claim.”

Queiroz has initiated a war of words against local Iranian coaches and in particular, Hamid Derakhshan and Amir Ghalenoei by slandering them in Australia after the elimination of Team Melli in the quarter finals of the AFC Asian Cup. Queiroz also accused some of the journalist and claimed they are leading a campaign against him and Team Melli.

Queiroz Jahanbakhsh

The response from Derakshan and Ghalenoei was swift and venomous. The rhetoric and the war of words have reached an epidemic level creating a partisan crowd of pro and anti-camps. Almost all those who have been quoted on the subject matter where blatantly biased opinions based on their love-hate relations with each party selected by the media according to their prejudice.

There were not many level-headed quotations from those who were interviewed in the media. The press agencies, TV and sport newspapers are playing a major role in enflaming the war between Queiroz and the Iranian local coaches to the detrimental of Team Melli.