Editorial Note.

TeamMelli.com would like to thank all those members who have sent us feedback on the World Cup 2014 coverage. Special thanks and appreciation goes for all those who sent us kind words of support. We appreciate it and as such, this encourages and aspires us to give it our best.

One piece of not so good news is that with the increased popularity of the site, or any site for that matter, it attracts hackers and spammers who are intent to penetrate and inflict damage. That is why we have raised the security level of the site, including registration process, to the maximum. All the security checks are automatically initiated and goes through several levels. There is no manual  process except the log that briefs the administrator on what actions was taken.

Unfortunately, we believe that some genuine cases of registration might have not been accepted or rejected because of this tight security.

For all those genuine people whose registrations were not accepted , especially our compatriots , please try once again. If the registration is denied , you  may send us a feedback so that the staff can manually register the genuine cases.


Once again , thank you all for your support, and we hope you enjoy teammelli.com for a long time to come.