Dragan Skocic’s first Press Conference

The first press conference of the new head coach of the Iranian national football team was held in the presence of the media on Saturday 15th February 2020.

Dragan Skočić, the Croat coach, faced a large group of media personnel, reporters and photographers in a meeting that lasted for more than 100 minutes. Skocic had a happy face and did not seem to be overwhelmed by the large number of reports and the atmosphere. The newly appointed Head Coach of Team Melli answered the questions and posed for the cameras, unwittingly. The Academy Hotel Amphitheater had one of its busiest days in a long time. No one was late, and everyone had made it to the nearby Azadi Stadium on time. Admirably, he accommodated all the reporters and photographers without much complaint.

The reception by media companions was as expected. It was Skocic’s most pressing meeting in Iranian football and now he has to get used to these crowds of reporters. Skocic first began the introductory remarks and responded to the vast majority of questions. At the end of the press conference, the Croat showed to both his backers and opponents that they must believe that Skocic has become the head coach of Team Melli.

Like many of Head Coaches press conferences, this one was mostly predictable. Much of the questions were either routines or had no direct definite answers, on the other hand, Skocic response was either diplomatic or full of positive messages.

Brief Details of the conference will be published separately.