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Profile: Rahim MEERAKHOORI, #0

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Season Openin. Subst. Caps. Goals Yellows Reds
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0
By season | In opening squad | Substituted in | Goals | Yellow cards | Red cards

Latest opening squad appearances (max.10)
05.02.1985 Friendly / Friendly H Korea DPR 1 - 0
28.01.1985 Others / NEHRU CUP N USSR 0 - 2
20.01.1985 Others / NEHRU CUP N Yugoslavia 1 - 3
16.12.1984 Asian Cup / 3rd Place N Kuwait 1 - 1
13.12.1984 Asian Cup / Semi Final N Saudi Arabia 1 - 1
10.12.1984 Asian Cup / Group B A Singapore 1 - 1
07.12.1984 Asian Cup / Group B N India 0 - 0
03.12.1984 Asian Cup / Group B N China 2 - 0
01.12.1984 Asian Cup / Group B N UAE 3 - 0
Latest matches where player has scored one or more goals (max. 10)
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